affiliate marketing tutorial step by step

affiliate marketing tutorial step by step

 this affiliate marketing strategy that I'll share with you in today's blog can help you start as a complete beginner all you need to do is to follow me step by step until the end of this blog so you can get every instruction right just before we start don't forget to read more blogs on personal finance issues so with that said guys I'm going to start right away with this affiliate marketing strategy. 

so you know whenever you start affiliate marketing you just need to find a product or a company or a service of a business that you want to promote in order to just get that affiliate link and of course you're going to earn a commission whenever someone purchases something through your affiliate link so what you can do today is to even promote different affiliate links in the same time so in order to do that you can just go over to link tree and you're going to be able to get some affiliate links in one simple link so you're going to get the different affiliate links but in the same Niche actually and people can just start purchasing different products in that Niche that you are going to promote and I'm going to show you what kind of products you can promote and how you can do that so in order to find companies to promote you can even go over to this platform called here you can find thousands of companies in different categories that you can promote of course you can just click on the sign in button and find a company in a particular Niche that you want so what I want you to do today is to focus on the finance Niche and I'm going to show you how you can do that but of course beside you can even use Amazon Associates so they offer the largest affiliate marketing program in the world what you can basically do is to go over to affiliate Dash You're Going to create an account for free and you'll be able to get you affiliate link for different products here on Amazon so you can see that you can just sign up then you're going to just join tens of thousands of creators Publishers bloggers who are earning with Amazon Associates program then you're going to just start recommending millions of products with your audience and you're going to have your own a link for each of them and of course you're going to earn a commission whenever someone purchases something through your affiliate link so what you can do actually is to just go over to Amazon and you're going to find different products that you can promote and I want you to go over to the finance Niche for the sake of this tutorial of course you can go over for even other niches as well but I'm going to proceed with the finest Niche and you can just click here in the search bar and start searching for finance so first of all it's going to suggest you a lot of things just like books and if you just click Finance here you're going to notice that they even give you some suggestions like books planners gifts games calculator and so on so you can focus on this Niche and just start promoting different products in this category so for example of course you can promote a book you can promote a planner just like these ones you can promote even some products that have some Finance motivational quotes on them for example just search for finance monks let's say and you're going to notice here that they got some marks with some Financial quotes in it so of course there are a lot of products in this Niche and you can just get a lot of affiliate links for different one of them and you're going to get all of those links in one place with link tree just like I mentioned even before so people can click on your link sheet and they can just get access to different links as well and of course they can go over for the book for example or for a planner for a calculator and so on and they can just purchase that product through your affiliate link so I'm going to show you actually how you can just start promoting different products in the finance Niche so I want to measure something else actually if you go over for a finance motivational uh posters you're going to find a lot of them and then look pretty awesome and there are a lot of people that purchase these things so they can just put them on the wall it can be perfect for a business a company and so on so you can even go for one of these.

So what you can do next is to just start creating a social media account on Instagram Pinterest and even on Tick Tock as well and you're going to just create that account all around Finance so it's going to be around that Niche that you choose of course here on Pinterest I recommend that you just create a business account you can switch it very easily once you create a normal account here on Pinterest of course on Instagram you're going to do the same thing and what you're going to basically do is to start posting reels videos post stories and so on so what you can do is to even go over to tick tock and you can search for finance motivational in the search bar it's going to give you a lot of results what other people are posting what other videos are very viral right now and you can recreate them if you want to so for example you can just create some kind of of videos just like these ones which give you motivational they just use some stock footage related to luxury cars yachts and so on some of them are with some motivational quotes and you can do the same thing for example if you want to promote those motivational posters so what you can do is to just go over to canva which is a free platform where you can start creating free designs of course they offer a problem but you can even do this for free since they offer a lot of free features go up the search bar and just search for tick tock videos so we are going to create some TikTok videos then we can post and of course we need to grow our social media accounts so you can get a lot of people to check out the link in our bio so you can click here on create a blank TikTok video you can just see all of their ready-made templates which look pretty awesome actually and you can even customize them however you want.

 So for example I'm just going to click on create a blank TikTok video and after that you can even search for a keyword in the search bar for a different template or for different elements so because on the elements you can even find videos so for example let me just write a luxury here I have already searched for it so you can just see here that it gives you some already made templates for example this one here if you click on it it's going to be implemented here and you can just put like a motivational quote on it so if you click on play you're going to see how it looks like and of course you can start posting videos like these ones and even with some luxury cars and so on so in order to find more content actually you can even go over to this is a platform where you can find the best free stock footage so images and videos and you can use them for free I highly recommend that you search for luxury in the search bar and it's going to give you a lot of results and then just go over to the video section you can download as many as you can just by clicking on the download button here and you can just use this in order to create your TikTok videos so you can use a lot of them and you can recreate a video just like this one here that we saw even before and start putting like a quote in that video you can use canva for this purpose because here on camera you can even upload your own content so after that go over to the text button add some text on it and it's going to look pretty awesome actually since of course there are a lot of elements here that you can add and of course you can even customize it however you want so I highly recommend you go over to the share button download it and start posting it on your social media platforms and don't forget to make people to go over to the link in the bio if they want to purchase something some products in it of course you can even create some content with those products that you are going to promote but you need to buy them on by yourself in order to start doing that so what I highly recommend you also do is to go over to Google and search for finance motivational quotes so you can use these quotes on your video just start posting them on your different social media platforms.

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